Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Truth About the 97% Sports Betting Systems

Online sports bettors everywhere have seen the ads. You know the ones that claim they win 97% of the time. Have you ever wondered what the truth was about those things?

I’ll tell you. They all revolve around a certain situation that happens in a sport and progressive betting a series of games that take place between teams in the situation.

Do the systems work as advertised? Well, when you think that they are advertised to make you wealthy on your next bet, the answer is no. The products are all over hyped in that respect.

If there is one thing I know for sure in this world, you are never one click away from a million dollars. The 97% betting systems are no exception.

That is not to say they have no value. By looking at the underlying principles you get an understanding of how all sports betting systems work. That information can be very valuable in the right hands.

You can make some money betting with the systems as long as you use your head. Progressive betting can get out of hand quickly if you are not careful. If the system deals you a loss on the three game progression, you are out the equivalent of AT LEAST 7 wins.

I learned a lot about successful betting from the 97% programs. Some of it was what not to do, but some was invaluable to helping me build my own betting systems for every sport I bet.

Building your own systems is really the key to successful betting.

Here is your blueprint to building a winning sports betting system

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