Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Truth About the 97% Sports Betting Systems

Online sports bettors everywhere have seen the ads. You know the ones that claim they win 97% of the time. Have you ever wondered what the truth was about those things?

I’ll tell you. They all revolve around a certain situation that happens in a sport and progressive betting a series of games that take place between teams in the situation.

Do the systems work as advertised? Well, when you think that they are advertised to make you wealthy on your next bet, the answer is no. The products are all over hyped in that respect.

If there is one thing I know for sure in this world, you are never one click away from a million dollars. The 97% betting systems are no exception.

That is not to say they have no value. By looking at the underlying principles you get an understanding of how all sports betting systems work. That information can be very valuable in the right hands.

You can make some money betting with the systems as long as you use your head. Progressive betting can get out of hand quickly if you are not careful. If the system deals you a loss on the three game progression, you are out the equivalent of AT LEAST 7 wins.

I learned a lot about successful betting from the 97% programs. Some of it was what not to do, but some was invaluable to helping me build my own betting systems for every sport I bet.

Building your own systems is really the key to successful betting.

Here is your blueprint to building a winning sports betting system

Sports Betting and the 97% Miracle

When I first started sports betting years ago, I used to see the advertisements for foolproof betting systems just about everywhere. One clams 97%, so the next claims 98%.

I just wrote off those systems as the sports betting equivalent of a get rich quick scheme. They surely are marketed that way. The sales pages scarcely mention sports, but are loaded with stories about how much you will make.

As I learned more about betting, and winning, I decided to look into the systems a little closer. What I found was that all of the programs had two things in common.

First, they all use progressive betting. Most are three game series based, as well as being based on three progressions. You pick three games, bet on each one in the series until you win. If you lose three in a row, you lose the bet and start over.

Second, they are all situation based. They do not consider which teams are playing, only the situation in which the games take place. That in itself is a lesson worth learning.

According to my non genius mathematics, if you have a system that wins half off the games it picks (same as a coin toss), and you bet a five game progression, you have a 94% chance of winning one of those bets.

With one of the miracle systems, you have a 97% chance on a three bet progression. Any system that can pick two out of three winners will do the same thing.

With the 97%ers, the miracle is in the progressive betting of a good system. There’s no reason you can’t just build your own.

Here is your blueprint for building a winning sports betting system.

How To Build Your Own Sports Betting Systems

Many people have heard of the sports betting systems that claim to win 97% of their bets. They are being sold all over the internet for about 200 bucks.

I will not comment on the systems other than to say that they all use progressive betting and pose a risk of a fairly substantial loss when they do lose a bet.

A perfect system is not required. You don’t have to win anywhere near 97% of your bets to do very well as a professional sports bettor. You are far better off accepting a great system as one that will win two out of three games for you consistently.

Building a sports betting system starts with a very specific situation that produces an advantage one way or the other. Home field is probably the best place to start.

From there you should find either a particular stat that ties into the home field advantage. Perhaps a motivational factor that is present in the game can be added.

The key is to pick a few factors related to your basic situation that have shown to be consistent indicators of an increased probability of a certain result.

It’s not really that difficult to hit 60% once you have a basic system that gives you a consistent edge. All it takes is to fid a couple of consistencies that seem to indicate a win or a loss to occur.

If you are going to bet on sports, you really owe it to yourself to learn how to develop your own betting systems. Or would you rather waste endless hours looking at stats?

Look at DIY Sports Betting instead

The Secret to Being a Professional Sports Bettor

Sports betting is a lot of fun. Every week millions of die hard sports fans bet tens of millions of dollars on the outcome of one sporting event or another.

Most of those dollars are lost. If not on one event, over the course of the season. But for a lucky few who know the secret, winning is a common occurrence.

Those are the professional sports bettors. They make their living by betting on the outcome of sporting events. Some make a very good living. But they all have a secret.

It’s in their personal betting systems. Without them, they would be nothing more than making guesses based on irrelevant statistics. The same as you probably do now.

You don’t hear the professionals talk about their system. You don’t see them posted on the internet. And you never will.

The secret is in the systems they have built and use to bet with. It consistently picks winners, so they consistently win with it. And it will go with them to their grave.

If you want to bet like a pro and make your living doing it, you will need to design and refine your own team picking systems and a betting strategy to go with it.

You don’t need a 97% winning system to be successful. If you spend your life looking for it you will never get ahead. The bookies already know about all of those systems anyway.

All you need is a system for picking teams that will win at least 60% of your bets. They are not that hard to find if you go about it the right way. And once you can make a living off of your systems, I bet you will keep them a secret too.

Here is your blueprint for building a Sports Betting System

Sports Betting Systems … What They Are and Who Needs Them

Everybody makes a bet now and then. For millions of people now and then is every time a sports game is played. For 95% of those people, it will be a losing proposition.

The rest are those who use their heads about betting. Rather than placing a wager on their favorite teams every game, they bet on situations identified by their betting systems as having a higher probability of winning.

That’s what a betting system is. A way for the user of the system to gain an advantage in the probabilities of the outcome of a game. It’s an organized way to go about finding winning situations and betting them.

Some systems are sold online for as much as $197 and claim to win 97% of the bets. But they all use progressive betting for a three game series to get that winning percentage.

How big of an advantage are they really. Lets look at some numbers to get a clear picture .

If you are looking at a coin toss, you have a 97% chance of winning if you use five progressions. That is, double the bet for four losses. The online betting systems use a progression of three. That is, double the bet for two losses.

If you had a system that could win 2 out of 3 games, that is 66%, you would have a 97% chance of winning on a three bet progression. So the series of games averages out to a 66% chance the team will win any given game in the 97% systems.

Anybody who is looking to make money betting on sports has to have a system to find increased probabilities for a win and to control the betting strategy.

If you want to be successful as a sports bettor, you DO need a system. Maybe not a $197 miracle bet, but something that will win consistently over the course of the season.